November 25, 2022

Stick a Fork in It -- It's Done

 It's done. At least I think it's done. The Novel. The one that's consumed me through at least five edits, over the past sixteen months. It's been edited, beta-read, re-edited for content, and then again for grammar and punctuation, and now it's ready for a real-life editor to check. 

Part of me is relieved, part of me is apprehensive. Will the editor, whose opinion I trust, like it? Think it's marketable? Suggest the next step? 

The premise is simple - a young woman, Marie Arnholt, in 1857 Kansas finds herself having been turned into a vampire. Her whole life as a Quaker is now at odds with her need to kill in order to survive. The book details just over 85 years of her adventures as a vampire. Along the way, she changes into a person who is less at odds with herself than she is with a human society full of other predators.

Because this part of her story tells of her life up to the end of WWII, there appears to be a sequel. At least, that's what Marie is telling me. And she was so excited a month ago about the first part of her story nearing completion, that she started telling me more. Over seven thousand words more. 

If you need me, I'll be at the computer. Taking dictation.

And, OH! I almost forgot to tell you!  I am really excited about six of my poems having been selected for a print publication, Solstice, A Winter Anthology. which will be available in December. Preorders are now being taken at Devil's Party Press, the publisher. Check out their website!!  And, order a couple of copies for your friends - it makes a GREAT gift, and the holidays are approaching!  There are some really remarkable writers in this group, and you'll be pleasantly surprised!

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